Amidst the realm of maritime affairs, MSTA – International Maritime Registries & Regulatory Inc emerges as a stalwart, a paragon of privately managed prowess in the nuanced domain of maritime technical and regulatory services. This distinguished entity, the IMRR, boasts an unparalleled reservoir of experience and stands tall for its superlative contributions to diverse maritime administrations and industries.

Presently, the IMRR directs its exclusive efforts towards the comprehensive provision of maritime technical and regulatory services globally, adhering meticulously to the dictates of national laws and regulations, with a singular allegiance to St. Maarten Maritime.

The unwavering commitment of MSTA – IMRR resonates through its dedication to the safety and security paradigm, safeguarding not only the St. Maarten Flagged vessels but also the delicate marine environment and the personnel, whether embarked or ashore.

Requirements of Documents :

  1. Passport copy
  2. Copy of the seaman book with sea service pages
  3. Sea service can be a letter from employing company
  4. Digital photo (passport size)
  5. Medical examination (Request it from us)
  6. Application form (Request it from us)

Duration for issuance :

  • Issuance of certificates under St. Maarten flag takes up 2 to 3 weeks. For more information on how to apply for St. Maarten Certificate of Competence, Seaman Book and Upgrade of rank course and applicable tariffs please contact our office at:

Honduras COC

St Marteen COC

Belize Seaman Book

Flag Endorsements